Designing the desk Top collection

Desk Top Collection in Walnut.

Desk Top Collection in Walnut.

The inspiration came in 2015 while I was still working as an engineer. I had just started at the company and was touring the facility.  As my boss, Paul, walked me through the building I notice all gray walls and plastic gray furniture. When we finally made it to Paul’s office I noticed he had removed his plastic monitor stand and replaced it with a round cutoff of a log. This splash of color stuck in my mind.


Once I had settled into the Job I asked Paul about the log. He said it was a piece of firewood that he had sanded and varnished because he wanted some natural wood in his office. This was the spark that inspired the desk collection.


When I started brain storming for the desk collection I focused on items that would add a splash of color to a desk, but still be practical and function.


Planter and Lamp in Cherry

Planter and Lamp in Cherry

I wanted to make a set that would serve a purpose in every office in America. I settled on three items, a Pen Cup, a Succulent Planter and a lamp. The final design took many iterations. The first attempt was a simple square. The square design looked heavy and lacked refinement.  The second attempt was a true cylinder. The cylinder design was lighter, but looked utilitarian without refinement. The final design was a combination of the two; A rounded polygon. The perfect combination of clean lines and natural curves.


Cherry Pen Cup.

Cherry Pen Cup.

Although the shape seamed simple it presented a challenge when it came time for fabrication. I used the lathe to bore the cup, however the rounded sides could not be turned on the lathe. To create the curved sides, I first used the band saw to rough out the shape, but the final sculpting had to be done by hand. Sculpting the sides was tedious but the results were worth it. The result was a simple design with tremendous aesthetic appeal.


I have always believed that the tools we use reflect the quality of the work we do. My original goal for the desk collection was to bring a splash of color and life into the workplace but I also hope it inspires you and adds meaning to the work you do.  
