Installing the Sustar Woodworks sign.
2018 was an exciting year for Sustar Woodworks as I left my job in April to pursue Sustar Woodworks full time. Woodworking has been my plan since college, and quitting my job was a big step for the continued growth of the business. When I announced my resignation, it was met with skepticism from many of my coworkers. “You’re leaving a full-time job to pursue a hobby?” they would ask. This always made me laugh and the words of my best friend and mentor would ring in my ear “You don’t go into business for fun…; you go into business to server your clients.” Sustar Woodworks has never been a hobby. From the beginning my goal has always been to build furniture that serves a purpose and provides value to my clients. And so, after 4 years of college and 7 years of civil engineering I moved to serve my clients full time.
Laying out the joinery for a new desk design.
The transition to full time woodworker was not as smooth as planned. In preparation for change, I had established a backlog of orders, which I had hoped would last me through the slow summer months. However, with the extra time and the excitement of going full time I had caught up by the end of May. As someone who enjoys working, I was not quite sure what to do with myself, I began to feel anxious and question my decision to leave my job. By the end of June my wife had enough. “Your annoying and you’re not inspiring anyone worrying about things. Stop feeling sorry and go build something!” Begrudgingly I knew she was right. The following week I got back in the shop and began working on new designs.
In November The shop was cleaned and doors opened. With just under 100 visitors from Minnesota, Illinois, New York and Wisconsin small business Saturday was a great success.
The remainder of the summer was spent testing new designs, reaching out to clients, and marketing my products through my website. With each passing day my sense of purpose grew. With time to reflect, I began to focus on the mission I had set 11 years before. When I started Sustar Woodworks the goal was Simple; I wanted to build handcrafted heirloom quality wood furniture that provides value to the families it serves. By the end of summer my sense of purpose was palpable, and orders began to flow. And by the end of September, I had received enough orders to last until Christmas. It has been my pleasure to fulfill each order.
With 2019 in full swing I am determined to build upon the momentum of last year and continue to serve your needs. By further developing the website and online presence I hope to help you find the designs and products you desire. I hope to connect with more of you, and most importantly, build handcrafted, heirloom quality furniture.